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This community was created in 2012 as a laid back gaming environment to give gamers a place to call home and be able to communicate with others. Don't forget to present yourself to us in a small topic then you can try to read our community rules and most importantly, don't forget to have fun, we are a gaming community with the desire to change the meaning of gaming, we try to offer everything that is best for members of our community, at the same time we are looking for staff, servers, designers, pulleys and more.


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-=Andrei=- last won the day on November 23 2020

-=Andrei=- had the most liked content!

1 Follower

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-=Andrei=-'s Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. daca tot crezi ca eu am dat ban uitaste la ip sau la stim id si cum spune si keke uitate in loguri
  2. nu am fost eu am spus eu la 11 noaptea eram in pat dormeam daca te uiti la ip se vede ca nu am fost eu sau la steam id
  3. Numele tău:-=Andrei=- Cine te-a banat?:cred ca coco Unique ID:8Jymp5/B2XBouLFG8a7F4aQayB4= Detalii:acest incident a avut loc seara dupa ce mam culcat eu mai exact pe la 11 si nu mai stiu se sa facut cred ca mio stapt contu de admin pe relax si nu am dat eu ban la tot serverul Motiv:cica ban la tot serverul Dovadă:https://imgur.com/a/dAhDmjN
  4. Nick :Andrei Gogu Varsta :19 STEAM ON/OFF(Profil+STEAM ID) : on NUL GASESC Cate ore ai pe server?(LINK):https://www.gametracker.com/player/-%3DAndrei%3D-/Relax.BlackGameS.Ro:27015/ Ai citit regulamentul (LINK)?(cuvant cheie) : NU DAU REST Teamspeak3 ON (Obligatoriu) : on Scanare WarGods(LINK) : lam dat
  5. Nume Canal:-=Andrei=- Fondator pe Canal:-=Andrei=- Unique ID:8Jymp5/B2XBouLFG8a7F4aQayB4=
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