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Your nickname :IDnT4

Admin's nickname that banned you :Vexatu

Reason :wg

Evidence :  wg report was provided but i was banned because admins don't know how to read reports ; demo in attachment 


idnt.cfg (MD5: FF210B9CB6B6120F4B7727074F5E71EF) (Size: 12701) (Alias count: 36) (Lines: 439) (Binary: False) -> Too many alias in CFG
userconfig.cfg (MD5: D070CBCA3A080C31FB8BEAB255A619B6) (Size: 7180) (Alias count: 36) (Lines: 160) (Binary: False) -> Too many alias in CFG


Is it forbidden to use aliases (volume alias in my case)?   Because I have only 36 aliases for sound control

It's started when I killed Vexatu sometimes on others map another days. He was completely  powerless against my tactic.

One day

He started to treat me an "Idiot" because I killed him in the middle of Inferno, near balcony , when bomb was planted on A 


3.1 Adminii serverului trebuie sa fie un exemplu pentru ceilalti jucatori in ceea ce priveste comportamentul. Scopul lor este acela de a face cat mai placuta sederea pe server a celorlalti useri. Fiti calmi, ponderati, sociabili si atenti la toate detaliile!


but I heard 2+ people running on the banana. What should i do? run to A through the shots?

I killed him from balcony (or from under the balcony). And finally I was die near A  by attacking a last CT!!!

He also  didn't liked when I have used spam sniper .  Is it forbidden to use this sniper ?



vax.zip vaxcs.zip

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Banul va ramane pentru acest player  "IDnT" , pentru ca i s-a explicat de nenumarate ori sa stearga config. si el a refuzat si tot facea pe arogantul.  arogantiinu au ce cauta printre noi si mai ales ca noi ii explicam ca are aliasuri si nu a vrut sa stearga config.

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Arrogant ?

<20:31:03> "IDnT4": what?
<20:31:25> "IDnT4": there is nothing wrong
<20:31:36> "IDnT4": dont search any irregularity
<20:31:48> "IDnT4": i'm cleaner than u Vexatu
<20:32:53> "IDnT4": what is red ?
<20:33:14> "IDnT4": what exactly
<20:33:31> "IDnT4": I didnt checked it , because i'm clean
<20:33:39> "IDnT4": what is not allowed ?
<20:33:55> "IDnT4": what exactly?
<20:34:01> "IDnT4": do u see my cfg ?
<20:34:24> "Vexatu": yes i saw it
<20:34:49> "IDnT4": what exactly
<20:34:53> "IDnT4": RED means nothing
<20:35:00> "Vexatu": red means something
<20:35:14> "Vexatu": stop speaking bullshit!
<20:35:20> "Vexatu": go and check yourself
<20:35:27> "Vexatu": and i can see,what its wrong there
<20:35:38> "Vexatu": so.take out everything wich is not allowed
<20:35:42> "Vexatu": or go to the other place 
<20:35:44> "Vexatu": easy
<20:36:25> "IDnT4": do you wg ytourself and u will see u will be red
<20:36:46> "Vexatu": its impossible 
<20:37:06> "Vexatu": play default
<20:37:19> "Vexatu": take it out ur cfg
<20:37:23> "IDnT4": im default
<20:37:31> "IDnT4": I have sound alias
<20:37:38> "IDnT4": u u have bunny hop or something
<20:38:00> "IDnT4": its not forbidden to have alias
<20:38:04> "Vexatu": is it
<20:38:05> "Vexatu": 
<20:38:07> "IDnT4": no
<20:38:19> "Vexatu": u sayd u play default
<20:38:26> "Vexatu": and now i sayd its not forbidden )
<20:38:27> "Vexatu": bro
<20:38:27> "IDnT4": show me this rule in blackgame.ro
<20:38:28> "Vexatu": listen
<20:38:34> "Vexatu": this rule its everywhere 
<20:38:34> "Vexatu": so
<20:38:36> "Vexatu": listen
<20:38:40> "Vexatu": take it out ur cfg
<20:38:44> "IDnT4": where here noob
<20:38:47> "Vexatu": play clean,default 

<20:39:04> "EL- ZoRRo": he lafs at y derar vexatu.. dont u see it is a little boy ho thinck he is better them all in here

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Arrogant ? Use google translate to see how arrogant admins are in TS3.

What do you wait from me ?   Pray ? susck you ? 

I'm clean and I have proof.

If you can't interpret the wg report, why u sak it?

I don't know about GEONN but  Vexatu use aliases!

CAn somebody ask Vexatu wg report during the game, when he do bunny hop or something like this.


<20:35:14> "Vexatu": stop speaking bullshit!
<20:39:04> "EL- ZoRRo": he lafs at y derar vexatu.. dont u see it is a little boy ho thinck he is better them all in here

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And Geonn , I understand some words in romanian? So you was very Arrogant  too in voice TS3.

Just because u see 36 aliases in report 


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1 minute ago, Begon said:


p.s.  cele trei teste WG  facute ininte de WG cerut de Vexatu spune multe ! o zi buna!

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say a lot?

2 reports with same insignificant WARNINGs about the same 36 aliases (for sound control)

1 about bunny hop, I even don't remember when I tested it.  But anyway now it's clean.


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Din punctul meu de vedere sa ramana banul mai departe. I s a explicat de multe ori ce are de facut, dar ori nu a vrut ori nu a inteles ce are de facut.

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I already cleaned my aliases

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sa intri pe server si sa faci un test WG..asa aflam daca te-ai  lepadat de aliasuri!

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You can see the new report with the same link.

it's clean

And I'm still banned (by the real cheater !) , so you can not do WG test on me in direct.


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