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This community was created in 2012 as a laid back gaming environment to give gamers a place to call home and be able to communicate with others. Don't forget to present yourself to us in a small topic then you can try to read our community rules and most importantly, don't forget to have fun, we are a gaming community with the desire to change the meaning of gaming, we try to offer everything that is best for members of our community, at the same time we are looking for staff, servers, designers, pulleys and more.

[VOX-HOST] Cumpara server prin BLACKGAMES


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Informații despre Parteneriatul cu Vox-Host LTD:

a) Vox-Host Solutions oferă 25% la achiziționarea serverelor de Counter-Strike 1.6 folosind codul promoțional "BG25";

b) Doar clienții iși pot vinde serverele și de asemenea, acestea trebuie să fie achiziționate de la distribuitorul nostru.

c) Link companie: Vox-Host LTD ( http://vox-host.co.uk )

II. Informații despre cumpărarea serverelor noi:

a) În partneriat cu compania Vox-Host LTD, oferim o varietate de servere de 800-1000 FPS:


Counter-Strike 1.6;

b) Caracteristici:

GamePanel cu opțiuni avansate;
Acces FTP;
Spațiu de stocare nelimitat pentru resurse;
Index (sys_tickrate): 800-1000 FPS;
Sistem de operare Linux.

III. Pe lângă acestea, mai aveți din partea noastră:

Asistență Tehnică;
Funcția sv_downloadurl pentru descărcarea resurselor dumneavoastră;
Categorie proprie pentru serverul dumneavoastră, cu drepturi de moderare completă;






About the Vox-Host LTD Partnership:

a) Vox-Host Solutions offers 25% on the purchase of Counter-Strike 1.6 servers using the promotional code "BG25";

b) Only customers can sell their servers and they must also be purchased from our distributor.

c) Company link: Vox-Host Solutions ( http://vox-host.co.uk )

II. Information about buying new servers:

a) In partnership with Vox-Host LTD, we offer a variety of servers of 800-1000 FPS:


Counter-Strike 1.6;

b) Features:

GamePanel with advanced options;
FTP access;
Unlimited storage for resources;
Index (sys_tickrate): 800-1000 FPS;
Linux operating system.

III. In addition, you have from us:

Technical support;
The sv_downloadurl function for downloading your resources;
Your own category for your server, with full moderation rights;




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