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This community was created in 2012 as a laid back gaming environment to give gamers a place to call home and be able to communicate with others. Don't forget to present yourself to us in a small topic then you can try to read our community rules and most importantly, don't forget to have fun, we are a gaming community with the desire to change the meaning of gaming, we try to offer everything that is best for members of our community, at the same time we are looking for staff, servers, designers, pulleys and more.

[MODEL] Cerere Tag | Tag Request


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Titlul topicului sa continta [Legend] Cerere Tag Nume

- Comportament decent pe server
- Sa fiti Steam ON sau Slot/Acces pe server
- Minim 10 ore jucate pe server in cazul in care sunteti Steam ON (fara slot/acces).

➸ Nick:
➸ IP/Steam ID (din joc):
➸ Link Profil Steam sau STEAMID:

➸ Ore jucate:
➸ Tag dorit:


* In cazul in care aveti slot/acces, cererea de tag trebuie facuta la cel putin 2-3 zile dupa primirea accesului!
* Tag-ul dorit trebuie sa nu coincida cu tag-ul altui jucator.
* La pierderea slot/acces, va disparea si tag-ul acordat; daca aveti un comportament neadecvat pe server (injurii/ofense la adresa altor playeri/admini, etc.) riscati de asemenea sa va pierdeti tag-ul.





Topic title must have [Legend] Tag Request Nickname

- Decent behaviour on the server
- Steam ON or having Slot/Admin access on the server.
- At least 10 hours played in case of being Steam ON without slot/admin.

➸ Nick:
➸ IP/Steam ID (in game):
➸ Steam Profile Link or STEAMID:
➸ Played hours:
➸ Desired tag:


* If you have slot/admin access, the tag request must be done at least 2-3 days after receiving your access!
* Your tag must not be the same as other players tag.
* When losing your slot/access on the server, the tag will also disappear; if you have an indecent behaviour (swearing/offending other players/admins, etc.) you also are risking losing your tag.

Edited by Fantasy


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