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[Cerere Unban] dev


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  •  Numele tău: dev
  •  Cine te-a banat?: ezeken
  •  Unique ID: H1qUqBVeIdaIzlYMRaeu/2n7YF4=
  •  Motiv: 

Ezeken was kicked from channel.
Ezeken: care mi-a dat kick? Acum vreau sa stiu! 
dev: da' chiar conteaza? mai usor, ca ai intrat inapoi ..
Ezeken kicked dev from channel.
dev: serios? chiar asa frustrare?
celalate 10 persoane: ba la ce-i dai ma kick? ca dev n-are nici acces sa dea move
Ezeken: doar asa sa-mi bat pla de el
dev: las' ca si-a batut maica-ta joc destul de tine
Ezeken banned dev from server.

Intru de pe un proxy momentan.
Acest domn 'ezeken' timp de o zi nu a avut grad pe teamspeak, si dupa ce l-a luat, si-a luat lumea incap. 
Isi da singur Overwatch, pana cand ii atrag mai multi atentia, ca el nici macar wg nu poate face, dar totusi e mare OVERWATCH xD
Comentarii, jigniri, ce sa zic, prea frustrat pentru 26 de ani. Nici macar staff-ul din care face parte nu-l agreaza.

Nu stiu, dar vedeti cui dati grade pe teamspeak. 


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@site blackgames.ro

Ayy, shawty, ayy, darlin'
Ayy, baby girl, suck my private
Close your eyes, it's just me and you and nobody
Ayy, suck it sideways, if we in public or the driveway (hey)

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Pro unban + remove Ezeken asa ceva nu se face . Cine esti tu de iti permiti sa iti bati ciocanu de ei?

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STEAM DISCORD : xend#0718


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Unban-ul a fost scos ieri imediat dupa cerere.
Iar ezeken a primit remove pe teamspeak3 si pe serverul Relax de la coco.

Puteti da lock, multumesc. 

  • I love it 3

@site blackgames.ro

Ayy, shawty, ayy, darlin'
Ayy, baby girl, suck my private
Close your eyes, it's just me and you and nobody
Ayy, suck it sideways, if we in public or the driveway (hey)

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