1.1 Terrorist Objectives:
- The main objective: Terrorists have the obligation to plant a bomb at one of the designated places
- The camp is allowed 1 minute after which the terrorists have the obligation to fulfill the objectives
- If the bomb was planted, the terrorists have the obligation to protect the area where they are
1.2 Objectives of the Counter Terrorists:
- The main objective: The counters must protect the areas where the bomb is planted
- CT rush is prohibited in the first 20 seconds of the round on bomb maps
- Counters have the obligation to defuse the bomb if it was planted
* If a player does not meet the objectives (if he had the opportunity), he risks slaying at the end of the round!
2. General rules:
2.1 Do not use codes! -> Permanent Ban
- Do not use: awp target, no-recoil, no-smoke, etc. -> Warning, Permanent Ban
- Red and blue player models are not allowed -> Warning, Permanent Ban
2.2 Respect players and administrators. Keep a decent language! -> Gag / Banvoice / Ban
- Do not scream, do not carry and do not put music on voice -> banvoice permanently
- Any attitude that detonates inappropriate behavior will be considered an attack on the person
- It will be sanctioned with a 3-10 minute gag, Banvoice permanently (as the case may be), followed by a 30-120 minute ban!
- In case of repeated violations, the sanction can be a ban between 1 day and 1 month, depending on the situation! (admin evidence is required)
2.3 Do not enter with nickname with obscene references -> Kick / Ban
- Failure to comply with the warning regarding the nick after the forced change by the admin in an inappropriate nick is sanctioned with a 30-120 minute ban!
2.4 Do not divulge your opponents' positions when you are dead -> gag 3-10 minutes
2.5 Players' nicknames must be at least 2 characters long!
2.6 Climbing the map (texture) is forbidden! -> Warning / Slay / Kick
- It is specified that it is allowed on the rock near the house on the de_nuke map
2.7 Retry after gag is punished with kick or Even ban 120 / min. (Remains available to admin)
2.8 Do not request admin / slot on the server! Any access is granted by request on the forum according to the necessary requirements
2.9 Do not challenge the admins' decisions on the server. For violations of any kind, please make a complaint on the forum!
2.10 Complaints brought to admins will be posted in the "Complaints" section according to the model presented. For permanent money there will be a request for a ban and not a complaint!
3. Admin / slot rules:
3.1 Server administrators must be an example to other players in terms of behavior. Their goal is to make the other users' stay on the server as pleasant as possible. Be calm, thoughtful, sociable and attentive to all the details!
3.2 The admins and slots have the obligation to register on this forum and to visit it at least once a day.
3.3 Administrators and slots have the obligation to use the access they have. Failure to follow this rule may result in loss of access!
- Exceptions are server owners who can track the activity of admins by any method.
3.4 Admins and slots have the obligation to use the amx_spectate command in the console after they have moved as spectators!
3.5 Accesses are personal and their use by other people for any reason will automatically result in loss of access.
3.6 Admins have the obligation to ensure the proper functioning of the server and the priority is to track players suspected of codes.
- Admins who ignore players' complaints about "coding" will be sanctioned until removed!
3.7 Discussions between admins regarding the administration of the server will be carried out only on admin chat.
- It will also not be allowed to use indecent language on admin chat!
3.8 The use of commands on another admin is strictly forbidden and can lead to a decrease or even loss of access (depending on the situation).
- For any violation of the regulations, the evidence will be posted on the forum in the "Admins Only" section where a decision will be made.
- Exceptions to this rule are the owners / co-owners of the server who can always apply commands to other admins when they violate the rules!
3.9 It is the obligation of the admins / slots to respond within a maximum of 48 hours to any complaint brought on the forum.
- Otherwise it will be sanctioned, being possible even the loss of access.
3.10 Any absence of at least 7 days must be announced on the "Absences / Withdrawals" section.
- Those who do not announce their absence risk losing their access!
3.11 DO NOT kick those who are AFK and spectators because the server automatically gives them when it is full! -> Warning / -1 Degree / Remove!
- Move AFK players to spectators! (even if there are admins / slots)
- Also there will be no places on the server at the request of the players or for acquaintances / friends. Who is detected to abuse like kicking active players to make room for someone, will be penalized!
3.12 General increases and degradations are made at the beginning of each month depending on the activity and behavior of each.
- Don't ask for magnifications! These are given on merit and not on request. Whoever asks for magnification or discusses this subject risks choosing with remove!
- No promotions from slot to admin. Who wants admin must make a request on the forum by model!
- The Slot + Immunity degree is granted only to those with at least 6 months of experience and activity on the server, laying the foundation for exemplary behavior!
3.13 Don't hold the owners accountable for who and what grade they received! Everyone gets that access with a good reason. If you are not satisfied please post at the withdrawals!
3.14 Admins may be verified at any time, but only by a HOLDER or FOUNDER. If, however, there are suspicions about an admin, you can DEMO them and send them to a Founder or post them to OVERWATCH. Commands of any kind on another admin are strictly forbidden.
3.15 WG scan request can be done by:> Managers
> Co-Founders
> The founders
4. Request Unban:
4.1 Evidence is required for ANY unban, regardless of the degree held on the server!
4.2 It is not mandatory to post unban proof on the forum in the Banlist section. They are posted only by those who consider that they cannot keep the evidence in the PC. If you do not have proof when required, you will be penalized until you have it removed!
4.3 Temporary bans are not posted on the banlist.
4.4 The reason for the sanctions given to players must be as clear as possible. Without motives such as: "jump, step, go out, disappear, etc."
4.5 For any advertisement, a temporary gag or ban will be granted between 60 and 10080 minutes (1 hour - 7 days), NOT permanently!
4.6 The bans can be withdrawn ONLY by the Founders / Co-Founders / Managers following a decision taken at the request of the unban.
4.7 Do not ban players for reasons such as: pa, mars, bye, hello. Players must see in the console the reason why they were banned. Failure to comply with this rule will result in the sanction of the person in question!
4.8 Ban on Wargods, = Ban on server. !
5. Changing maps:
5.1 When there are 10 minutes left on the map, a vote with 2 maps or even 3 maps must be made.
5.2 To prevent the maps from recurring, write "/ maps" to view previous maps.
5.3 Before you vote, consult on admin chat with the other admins present on the server regarding the maps!
5.4 The highest rank has the right to intervene and vote if necessary!
5.5 In the last round the admin must announce "Last! Next"
5.6 The actual change of the map is done at the end of the map, not earlier!
5.7 The admin is DIRECTLY responsible for the map he puts in case it is changed at an inappropriate time.
5.8 Observe the "Voting Method" and the "Map Schedule" which are posted in detail in the "Announcements" section!
6. Functions performed by the server:
- Detecting, cleaning and / or blocking most existing codes
- Temporary ban on IP when detecting 4 identical IPs connected on the server
- Automatic replacement of forbidden symbols such as: #,%, etc
- When connecting to the server, players are automatically moved to a team (except for the founders and co-founders)
- Automatic freezetime 0 setting on small maps and freezetime 1 on large maps
- Automatic activation of restrictions on all weapons (except awp and pistol) on AWP maps
- The bomb is automatically transferred by the server in 30 seconds from an AFK terrorist to an active one
- Areas where you can climb the texture are blocked on most maps
- Players who are AFK 3 minutes are automatically moved from the server to the spectators
- Any admin or slot moved as a viewer from amx_spec, / spec or by the server, will automatically appear as a hidden viewer
- When using words considered vulgar or advertisements, the server will automatically replace the sentence with default messages in the server
- The names of the players that contain advertisements will be CHANGED IN NORMAL NAMES OF BOTH, etc.
- Team balancing is done automatically by the server (autoteambalance for the number of players and PTB for scores)
- Hostages are immune to bullets and any other type of damage
- The server autovote is set in the last 5 minutes of the map. The result will automatically set the map from "nextmap"
- At 02:00 the server will automatically change the map to DE_DUST2 + timelimit 0.