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This community was created in 2012 as a laid back gaming environment to give gamers a place to call home and be able to communicate with others. Don't forget to present yourself to us in a small topic then you can try to read our community rules and most importantly, don't forget to have fun, we are a gaming community with the desire to change the meaning of gaming, we try to offer everything that is best for members of our community, at the same time we are looking for staff, servers, designers, pulleys and more.

ıllı►Koala Bostero◄ıllı

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  1. Your nickname : Ipsilon.K Your IP: Admin's nickname that banned you : IDK WHAT TO DO Reason : no ss Evidence : https://imgur.com/gallery/vyFINZP
  2. css_india0001.bmp css_india0002.bmp css_india0003.bmp css_india0004.bmp css_india0000.bmp
  3. The only thing I want to claim is that I asked the admin where I could find the photos and he gave me ban
  4. de_inferno0000.bmp de_inferno0001.bmp de_inferno0002.bmp de_inferno0003.bmp de_inferno0004.bmp fy_snow0000.bmp fy_snow0001.bmp fy_snow0002.bmp fy_snow0003.bmp fy_snow0004.bmp
  5. thease are the photos they took from me de_inferno0000.bmp de_inferno0001.bmp de_inferno0002.bmp de_inferno0003.bmp de_inferno0004.bmp fy_snow0000.bmp fy_snow0001.bmp fy_snow0002.bmp fy_snow0003.bmp fy_snow0004.bmp
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