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This community was created in 2012 as a laid back gaming environment to give gamers a place to call home and be able to communicate with others. Don't forget to present yourself to us in a small topic then you can try to read our community rules and most importantly, don't forget to have fun, we are a gaming community with the desire to change the meaning of gaming, we try to offer everything that is best for members of our community, at the same time we are looking for staff, servers, designers, pulleys and more.


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Everything posted by xFabianZz

  1. xFabianZz


    Propunerea : Sa se bage mape go Cu ce ne-ar ajuta? : ar fii mai realistic Alte precizarii : S-a precizat ca sunt defapt mape dar nu le baga "adminii" eh eu personal am incercat sa bag cateva mape si a picat sv pt ca nu le are , daca sunt ce mape sunt?
  2. xFabianZz


    Propunerea : Sa se adauge incendiara la anumite grade cum ar fii V.I.P , si pe langa asta cam toate sv au si din punctul meu de vedere personal este foarte interesant. Cu ce ne-ar ajuta? : Ar devenii mai realist jocu Alte precizarii : atat
  3. Contra comportamentu' lasa de dorit daca tu faci asa doar pt ca ti-am facut 5 poze e clar zici ca ti-am luat nush ce
  4. Nick : usk*op!s IP : Motiv : wall (drop ss) Perioada : 0 Dovada :
  5. You took ban because I took pictures of you and you left sv without giving them to me and And you are in a lot ban-list bcs drop photo..
  6. Nick : FALSA IP : Motiv : wall hack drop ss Perioada : 0 Dovada :
  7. Nick : Skilluj IP : Motiv : drop ss Perioada : perm Dovada :
  8. Nick : Kole2k IP : Motiv : wall hack (drop ss) Perioada : perm Dovada :
  9. Nick : fastdrop-user IP : Motiv : wall (drop ss) Perioada : 0 Dovada :
  10. Nick : MILO LOPOVE NE DAMO TI SVETINJE IP : Motiv : wall (no ss) Perioada : 0 Dovada :
  11. Nick : Salafala IP : Motiv : wall+aim (no ss) Perioada : 0 Dovada :
  12. Nick : jazSON IP : Motiv : aim=wall Perioada :0 Dovada : https://files.fm/u/zpzkbeazq
  13. Nick : Spain IP : Motiv : no ss Perioada : perm wall+aim Dovada : https://imgur.com/a/kyp3QAy
  14. Nume : FABIAN IP/Steam : https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198407238456/ Varsta :17 Experienta in adminat? : 2 ani (csgo) Ore jucate ( link gametracker ) : Nu am , dar am vazut ca se cauta staff De ce vrei admin? : Deoarece am experienta necesara si am vazut ca ati avea nevoie Ai citit regulamentul? : "goadmin 2k20 Te-ai inscris in grupul nostru de discord ( https://discord.com/invite/Jy8dTaCaJm ) (Obligatoriu) : da. Ai dat like la pagina server-ului (https://www.facebook.com/goblackgamesro/) : da. Folosesti TS3? (obligatoriu) : Da.
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