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This community was created in 2012 as a laid back gaming environment to give gamers a place to call home and be able to communicate with others. Don't forget to present yourself to us in a small topic then you can try to read our community rules and most importantly, don't forget to have fun, we are a gaming community with the desire to change the meaning of gaming, we try to offer everything that is best for members of our community, at the same time we are looking for staff, servers, designers, pulleys and more.


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Everything posted by DnL

  1. @N3VER daca ai addonsul ajutal pe baiaat
  2. o sa ai categoria de staff sv si ban-list , am pe ts si te ocupi tu de server bafta
  3. iti voi oferi gradul de helper . mult succes
  4. Au trecut 11 zile de cand trebuie sa faci cererea de forum managemant asa ca suntem obligati sa iti stergem dns-ul serverului , bafta
  5. Daca doresti modificari la categorie lasa aici un replay , mersi si succes parolele la categori le-ai primit privat daca vrei sa le modifici scriemi parolele care le doresti acolo privat , parolele au fost incercate , functioneaza
  6. Model : Steamid (of type STEAM_1: etc.): Hours (minimum 50 in the last 3 months): Tags: Rules Requests are made at an interval of 2 weeks. requests are made within the limits of common sense
  7. Model : Steamid (de tipul STEAM_1: etc.): Ore (minim 50 in ultimele 3 luni): Tag-uri: Regulament ! Cererile se fac la un interval de 2 saptamani. Tagurile trebuie sa fie in limita bunului simt
  8. in curant un coleg o sa iti faca dns-ul intre timp te rog sa faci o cerere pt categorile dorite la server la forum managemant ! Mersi
  9. Player Rules! - Any kind of cheat is forbidden Punishment: PERMANENT MONEY. - Vulgar language, swearing and insulting at a player are forbidden Punishment: AV / GAG / MUTE 10-30 minutes. - Vulgar language, swearing, insults, blasphemies brought to a staff member are forbidden Punishment: AV / GAG / MUTE 10-30 minutes / TEMPORARY BAN 24h / PERMANENT BAN (serious insults). - Spam (abusive and pointless use) at the microphone or in the chat is not allowed Punishment: AV / GAG / MUTE 10 minutes. - Players suspected of the codes reported to the admins on u @. - Advertising of any kind, whether in name, chat or at the microphone is strictly forbidden. - The use of names containing obscene words is prohibited Punishment:! Rename / TEMPORARY BAN 24h. - You are not allowed to call players to competitive / wingman / danger zone / popflash / faceit / other servers etc. matches. Punishment: AV / GAG / MUTE 10 minutes / PERMANENT MONEY. - Names similar to those of the admins are not allowed. Punishment:! Rename and if the use of a similar name BAN TEMPORARY 24 is continued. - Do not comment on the decisions of the admins, if you have something to comment on, make a complaint on the forum. - Admin and VIP are not above and must follow the rules just like the other player's Punishment: depending on the severity, -1 / REMOVE / BAN. - Players are not allowed to argue or hold the administrators accountable for the orders they use as long as the admin has not violated the rules. - You are not allowed to do griefing / troll Punishment: AV / SLAY / BAN 1H. - The "monitor" method is forbidden (information about the living players) Punishment: AV / BAN 1H. - You are not allowed to put the music on the microphone Punishment: AV / MUTE 10 minutes / TEMPORARY BAN 24h. - Whoever is caught playing with code on competitive / face (with proof), is considered coded and will be permanently banned on the server. Players caught with VAC BAN on CSGO on another account (and the ban is recently taken: 1-180 days) are considered coded and will be permanently banned. - To the question "Did you read the players' rules?" will be answered with "AWP-BG" Admin Rules 1. All admins are obliged to behave exemplary towards the players. 2. Each admin is required to attend the forum and post in unban / admin requests. 3. Money is awarded to players who have been warned by mute / gag. The money will be awarded for a maximum of 120 minutes, in no case permanently. 4. All admins are obliged to give money from the / admin menu or console, not even from the chat. 5. No orders are applied to other admins otherwise -1 for a determined or permanent period! (Exceptions to this rule Owners) 6. No "fun" commands apply to players. 7. The grades will be set to "steamid", the admins who will enter the server with a different name than the one you applied with will receive REMOVE from the start. 8. Changing the map is strictly forbidden, the server will vote for itself. 9. DO NOT ask for UP, the request is made only if you are convinced that you meet the requirements or it is granted depending on the activity, language, etc. without request. 10. Only admins with the degree of MODERATOR or higher can recommend players! 11. It is forbidden to apply commands sm_rename, sm_ban, sm_slay sm_slap etc. with the @all function. 12. The admins are forbidden to intrude on the commands of other admins (GAG / UNGAG, MUTE / UNMUTE, etc.). The administrative team reserves the right to make changes to this regulation at any time.
  10. Model: Nick admin/player: Date and time: Reason: Evidence: Rulls! The topic should be called "[Complaint] (Admin Name)". Example: "[Complaint] Blackgames". Complaints that are not made after this model will not be considered. A complaint can stay open until 72 hours. Clear evidence must be provided that accurately demonstrates the player / admin's mistake. Only persons who were involved in the incident or who were witnesses can respond to the complaint. Otherwise, you will be penalized on the forum.
  11. Model: Your Nick: SteamID: Proposal: How does the server help (minimum 20 words): Photo / Video (if applicable):
  12. Model: Your Nick: The admin who banned you: Steam profile: Steam ID: Reason for taking money: Money date and time: Print Screen: Rulls: The topic should be called "[Unban Request] Name". Example: "[Unban application] Blackgames". Requests that are not made according to this model will not be considered. The request must be made within a maximum of 7 days from the date of granting the money. If this deadline is exceeded, the application will not be considered and will be automatically rejected
  13. Model: Nick: Age: Hours played? (ScreenShot): Steam's profile link: Here read the Regulation ?: Why do you want a degree on the server? (the reason): Experience as an admin (small / medium / large): Your Steam ID: Describe yourself (minimum 30 words): Other objections: Careful! - You need at least 20 hours on the server. - The request must have coherent answers, not discarded words. - The topic should be called "[Request Helper] Name". Example: "[Request Helper] Blackgames". - Requests that are not made according to this model will not be considered. - If you have been rejected by an admin request, you must wait at least 1 week to make another request. -To find out your steam id type the status in the console on the server! Example steam id: STEAM_1: 1: 11111111
  14. Sedinta sa terminat cu succes ! Multumesc celor participanti !
  15. Model: Nick-ul tau: SteamID: Propunere: Cu ce ajuta serverul(minim 20 cuvinte): Poza/Video(daca este cazul):
  16. Parereri server ?
  17. Model: Nick admin/player: Data si ora: Motiv: Dovezi: Atenție! Topic-ul trebuie să se numească “[Reclamație] (Nume Admin)”. Exemplu: “[Reclamație] Blackgames”. Reclamațiile care nu sunt făcute după acest model nu vor fi luate in considerare. O reclamație poate să stea deschisă pană la 72h. Trebuie aduse dovezi clare care demonstrează cu exactitate greșeala jucătorului/adminului. La reclamație pot răspunde doar persoanele care au fost implicate in încident sau care au fost martori. În caz contrar, o să fiți sancționați pe forum.
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