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Boosted your CS1.6 server Γ—
Welcome to
This community was created in 2012 as a laid back gaming environment to give gamers a place to call home and be able to communicate with others. Don't forget to present yourself to us in a small topic then you can try to read our community rules and most importantly, don't forget to have fun, we are a gaming community with the desire to change the meaning of gaming, we try to offer everything that is best for members of our community, at the same time we are looking for staff, servers, designers, pulleys and more.

Administration & Development


  1. Administrative Area

    This is the area where administrative aspects of the forum are managed and discussed, such as regulations, important announcements, and user feedback.

  2. Members Zone

    Information about the warnings & bans given, useful guides and tutorials, complaints to the staff members as well as interactive contests organized by the members of the Administration!

  3. assistance Management & Affiliation

    Category reserved for server assistants, here is the right place to affiliate your server in our community.

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